



Symbolic name


 -1GDK_NOTHING A null event.
  0GDK_DELETE This event is triggered when the user clicks on the X button on a decorated window.
  1GDK_DESTROY This event is triggered when a widget is being destroyed.
  2GDK_EXPOSE This event is triggered whenever a widget is exposed to display. That includes all redraws, full or partial.
  3GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY This event is triggered when the mouse is moved.
  4GDK_BUTTON_PRESS This event is triggered when any mouse button is pressed.
  5GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS This event is triggered when there are two mouse button presses in quick succession - a double-click. It is preceded by a second GDK_BUTTON_PRESS and that event's corollary, a GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE.
  6GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS This event is triggered when there are three mouse button presses in quick succession - a treble-click. It is preceded by two GDK_BUTTON_PRESS and one GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS event, as well as the associated GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE events.
  7GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE This event is triggered when any mouse button is released.
  8GDK_KEY_PRESS This event is triggered when any key is pressed.
  9GDK_KEY_RELEASE This event is triggered when any key is released.
  10GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY This event is triggered when the cursor enters the screen area of a widget.
  11GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY This event is triggered when the cursor leaves the screen area of a widget.
  12GDK_FOCUS_CHANGE This event is triggered whenever there is a keyboard focus change, in or out.
  13GDK_CONFIGURE This event is triggered whenever a widget is drawn, that is, at its first display and on any subsequent redraws caused by moving or resizing.
  14GDK_MAP This event is triggered during the show() process, while the widget is being mapped to the screen.
  15GDK_UNMAP This event is triggered during the hide() process, while the widget is being removed from display.

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