



Symbolic name


  0GTK_DIR_TAB_FORWARD Intended to tab forward through the children capable of having focus, starting at the left or top. This option appears not to work in the versions of GTK+ used in PHP-GTK, and has been completely rewritten for GTK 2.
  1GTK_DIR_TAB_BACKWARD Intended to tab backward through the children with focus capability, starting at the right or bottom. This option appears not to work in the versions of GTK+ used in PHP-GTK, and has been completely rewritten for GTK 2.
  2GTK_DIR_UP Sets initial focus on the child nearest the bottom of the container.
  3GTK_DIR_DOWN Sets initial focus on the child nearest the top of the container.
  4GTK_DIR_LEFT Sets initial focus on the child nearest the right edge of the container.
  5GTK_DIR_RIGHT Sets initial focus on the child nearest the left edge of the container.

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