



Symbolic name


  0GTK_SCROLL_NONE The default setting. Indicates that the scrollbar's slider is not moved.
  1GTK_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD Sets the scrollbar's slider back one step increment from its current position. The value of the step increment is taken from the underlying GtkAdjustment in the scrollbar.
  2GTK_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD Sets the scrollbar's slider forward one step increment from its current position. The value of the step increment is taken from the underlying GtkAdjustment in the scrollbar.
  3GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD Sets the scrollbar's slider back one page increment from its current position. The value of the page increment is taken from the underlying GtkAdjustment in the scrollbar.
  4GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD Sets the scrollbar's slider forward one page increment from its current position. The value of the page increment is taken from the underlying GtkAdjustment in the scrollbar.
  5GTK_SCROLL_JUMP Sets the scrollbar's slider to the position described in the accompanying float parameter. The range of values are 0 to 1, with the halfway point being 0.5.

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